Friday, October 7, 2011

Reflection 4

This week I read a book by Gong and went to Oak Canyon junior high to observe Terry Hunter.

Terry Hunter is a drafting teacher at Oak Canyon Junior High. His first period drafting class looked like it was mostly 7th graders. (They were all so tiny) We came on a day where he had a quiz on many aspects of drafting. He even gave us copies of the test to do along with them. I took drafting in high school and could remember many of the terms. But if I had paid attention before we started I could have gotten more right. Before the test he reviewed everything the test covered. I thought this was really cool, because I always appreciated this as a student, especially first thing in the morning. He had them put up folders for walls while they were taking it. Afterwards they started designing MagCars and me and Kevin graded their tests. We got done pretty fast and then started walking around. One kid was grabbing these curve templates and had a collection on his table. I joked with him that he should totally start collecting those. He laughed. It was fun joking with them. The classroom had a very comfortable feeling to it. A crazy thing was, Mr. Hunter is in the same school district as the previous teacher I visited and the school had the same layout AND THEY WERE IN THE SAME CLASSROOM! It was crazy to see the same room with a totally different setup. Mr. Hunter's was so full of stuff (drill presses, computers, desks, drafting materials, student projects and decorations) and Ryan's was not. It gave they classroom a totally different feeling even though the rooms were the same.

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